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Interviews > With P.F.I.

. (U.S.A)

"You have nothing to worry about" Keith Johnson reassured me as I got out of the car at the studio where Ghosts R NEAR film their shows. "It will be easy and there won't be many there... we will look after you"....Hmmm I thought... try telling my nerves that!!!!.

Yes I was making an appearance on their show and had traveled many miles, risking yet another bout of jetlag whilst being yelled at by very disturbing security people at Airports, just to be there. I had landed only 2hrs earlier after having traveled 16hrs in the air and having been up since 3.00 a.m. Nothing like pressure... and to be honest I thrive on it lol. So after infusing large amounts of caffeine into my system... thank you to those kind people who suggested Dunkin Donuts (hope I spelled that right) and Starbucks..... I was finally ready to walk into the studio.

As I faced two large cameras and a small audience of people, reality hit me 'Keith will look after me, Keith will look after me' the mantra was repeated over and over in my head to try and quell the nerves that were now sneakily taking control of my hands and legs!!

So was it worth all the stress???? Oh yes!!! For it is at this point I would really like to pay tribute to these wonderful people who I am so proud to call my friends. Not only was I given a warm welcome and a round of applause from the crew and members of NEAR, Keith and Sandra indeed did take good care of me throughout the interview and I soon forgot that it was such a thing and it became more like a cozy chat amongst friends. The embarrassing silences and brain freezes I had fretted about, fortunately never eventuated, largely due to the skill of Keith and Sandra as interviewers. I would also like to thank everybody behind the scenes, including Carl, who put me so at ease and to be honest after the coffee at Starbucks afterwards, I felt like I had known everybody for years. Thank you so much!!!

One last apology to the Adelaide Gaol... Yes... I did get the closure date wrong. I have no idea how I did that as I have been saying 1988 for 8 years on my tours... I can only blame it on nerves and jetlag. Oh and to my team for ... well struggling and suddenly going blank on your names... Oooops, sorry!!




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