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Co-Founder of P.F.I./Lead Investigator
Alison was drawn to the subject of the paranormal from a very early age. Having been born into a supposed 'haunted' house, it left her with questions and a curiosity as to what the answers might be to this early experience. Although she has researched the subject and dabbled in it all her life, she didn't seriously start investigating it until she arrived in Australia in 1989. It was not long after this that she joined groups both in the UFO and Paranormal field in the hope of furthering this knowledge. Finally in 2002 she helped to co-found P.F.I. after she felt like the direction the other groups were taking was not the direction she herself wanted to take. Alison wants to find answers but, as she states, not at the expense of lying to herself. For this reason, she will try and rationalise most experiences and try and find a natural answer first. She tries to encourage others out there to do the same. "If we can get rid of the garbage being put out there simply because we so desperately want to believe, then we may just have a fighting chance at being left with something a little more tangible"

Ann first joined P.F.I. back in 2005 after a mutual friend introduced her. Anna has a life long interest in the paranormal and readily became an enthusiastic team member. She is essential in keeping us all organised and keeping our spirits up on those long and gruelling investigations. She is our chief film person and is essential in making sure that everything on the night is recorded during experiments.

Megan joined us within a few months of P.F.I. being formed. Having shared time together with the previous team, we were more then happy to include her as one of our team members. Megan is a professional photographer owning her own business Merlin Photographics. Her knowledge of photography is of great importance to the team and helps us narrow down any photos we think we may have.

Brett has been in the team now since 2008 and has quickly taken the position as our 'ideas man'. Not satisfied with just going out into the field and using traditional methods, he is always thinking up new ways of pushing the boundaries in the hope of finding answers to that burning question of what the paranormal is and whether in fact it could just be ourselves that manifest it.

Came to the team in 2009. Fitting straight into the team he has become an important part of it's dynamics. His humour certainly helps during those long hours of investigation work where nothing is happening! Despite having several experiences during his short time in the team, earning him the nick-name of P.F.I. Bait, he still remains skeptical and questions what it was he experienced and saw. Like all our team members, he will try and rationalise an experience before jumping to the paranormal conclusion. |